Transfer Resources
Transfer In
As a “Transfer In” specialist at the college, please use the following when working with students. If a student is bringing in credits from another institution of higher education (IHE) or coming with credits from one of the 16 technical colleges via Dual Enrollment, they are considered a “transfer student” under the “Transfer In” category. For assistance with Transfer In, please contact Ann Westrich, Director – Career Prep (
Transfer Out
If you are working with a past or current WTCS student seeking to bring credits accumulated by attending one of the 16 Wisconsin Technical College to another institution of higher education (either another WTCS college and/or a UW System institution and/or a private college/university), they are considered a “transfer student” under the “Transfer Out” category. For assistance with Transfer Out, please contact Joel Mathis, Education Specialist – Programs (
If you are looking to make a connection with the appropriate Transfer In or Transfer Out person at each of the WTCS colleges, please check out the Student Transfer page.
Wisconsin Collaborative Transfer Meeting
The Wisconsin Collaborative Transfer meeting is an annual event that brings together transfer coordinators and administrators from various higher education institutions across Wisconsin. The event is jointly organized by the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU), the Universities of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Tribal Colleges and the Wisconsin Technical College System. The goal is to share best practices, learn from each other, and create more seamless transfer processes for students within the state of Wisconsin.
For more information about the Wisconsin Collaborative Transfer meeting, please contact Ann Westrich, Director – Career Prep ( or Joel Mathis, Education Specialist – Programs (
WTCS Transfer Communities of Practice
Currently, there are two WTCS Communities of Practice (CoP) that focus on student transfer:
- Transferology Community of Practice. This CoP focuses on utilizing Transferology and TES to their fullest potential. Members of this CoP include transfer coordinators from the WTCS, WAICU and the Universities of Wisconsin. Conversation topics include: best practices, Transferology demonstrations, and updates to Transferology. Please contact Ann Westrich, Director – Career Prep ( or Joel Mathis, Education Specialist – Programs ( for more information.
- Associate of Arts (AA)/Associate of Science (AS) Pre-major Pathways Community of Practice. This CoP provides transfer coordinators the opportunity to share best practices for developing AA/AS pre-major pathways articulation agreements with four-year partners. For more information, please contact Joel Mathis, Education Specialist – Programs (
Universal Credit Transfer Agreement (UCTA)
The UCTA provides a set of courses that are transferable between all WTCS districts and the Universities of Wisconsin institutions and typically satisfy general education or general degree requirements. Specific information about how each course in the UCTA will transfer to a receiving institution and will satisfy general requirements may be accessed through Transferology, our online credit transfer tool. The UCTA is not intended as a stand-alone advising document. Transferology should be consulted for any updates that are made to this information since publication, as our colleges and universities continually update course equivalencies. For more information about the UCTA, please see the General Education page.
WTCS Transfer Coordinators SharePoint Folder
A SharePoint folder has been created so that WTCS Transfer Coordinators may share and access transfer resources. A screenshot of the SharePoint folder is below and a description of each sub-folder follows. To be granted access to the WTCS Transfer Coordinators SharePoint Folder, please contact Joel Mathis, Education Specialist – Programs (
Articulation Agreements: Detailed, signed, agreements between WTCS institutions and partner universities outlining the transfer of credits and courses as well as the remaining courses and credits required at the partner institution to ensure a smooth transition for students. Please note: AA/AS Pre-major Pathway articulation agreements must be submitted to the System office for review; do not upload AA/AS Pre-major pathway agreements into this folder until you have submitted the agreement(s) to the System Office.
Student Advising Information: Resources and guidelines for academic advisors to assist students in navigating transfer processes, including degree requirements and course selection.
Transfer Guides: Documents that list a 4-year partner’s major requirements along with the equivalent courses that can be transferred from a WTCS institution.
Transferology Resources: Tools and resources related to Transferology, an online platform that helps students understand how their courses transfer to various colleges and universities.
Tribal College Partnerships: Details about partnerships with the Wisconsin Tribal Colleges, highlighting collaborative programs, transfer pathways, and joint initiatives to support student success.
Universities of Wisconsin Partnerships: Details about partnerships with the Universities of Wisconsin, highlighting collaborative programs, transfer pathways, and joint initiatives to support student success.
WAICU Partnerships: Details about partnerships with the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU), highlighting collaborative programs, transfer pathways, and joint initiatives to support student success.
WTCS Systemwide Best Practices: A collection of best practices and successful strategies implemented across the WTCS to improve transfer processes and student outcomes.