State Grants

The Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) invites Wisconsin technical colleges and other eligible agencies, where applicable, to apply for state funds to support projects during the program year. State funds provide support for targeted programs within the Wisconsin technical colleges. The Wisconsin Technical College System, the Legislature and the Governor identify programs as priorities for state support.


An applicant electing to accept GPR funding must comply with all the requirements set forth in the grant guidelines and all applicable state statutes, rules, and policies prescribed by the System Office. These requirements include grant application formats, program evaluations, data collection and reporting requirements. This includes complying with State Single Audit Guidelines, Standards, and Procedures. In addition, grant recipients must comply with any and all requests for printed and electronic copies of products created as a result of GPR funding.

State Grant Descriptions

Funds under this category are available for the following purposes:

Apprentice-Related Instruction

Apprenticeship-Related Instruction Grants respond to cyclical industry demands with current occupational curriculum, provide skilled workers for rapidly developing industries and ensure the continuity of apprenticeship training during periods of temporary labor demand shortages.

Career Pathways

Career Pathways Grants are used to create, expand and/or implement career pathways. Career Pathways offer an efficient and student-centered approach to training and education by successfully articulating the appropriate secondary, adult basic education, postsecondary education and training, career and academic advising, and supportive services to enter and progress in a career. This term generally refers to a series of connected education and training strategies and support services that enable individuals to secure stackable industry relevant credentials and obtain employment within an occupational area and to advance to higher levels of education and employment in that area.

Core Industry

Core Industry Grants help ensure that WTCS approved programs, in high-demand areas of industry, provide industry-relevant education and training using rigorous curricula, current technology, and related services. Programs must have been offered to students for one year or more (enrollments not required).  Grant projects may also expand programming in high demand fields within the college district and/or as a shared program between lead and cooperating colleges.

Developing Markets

Developing Markets Grants support the development of a program new to the college district that has attained final approval by the System Board and may have been offered for up to a year. Program must have achieved full program accreditation or be actively pursuing accreditation at the time of grant application, if required. Funds support development of curriculum and related instructional materials, technology and software, the purchase of equipment, staff development and the delivery of instruction.

Emergency Assistance

Emergency Assistance Grants offer emergency assistance to eligible Pell recipients who experience unforeseen financial emergencies. The goal is to assist eligible students who are experiencing unplanned events that may affect their ability to stay in school.

Professional Growth

Professional Growth Grants support professional development activities and occupational competency training for faculty and staff in the Wisconsin Technical College System.


Completion Grants create, expand and/or implement innovative strategies through direct services to students enrolled in post-secondary courses, ABE/ELL and direct services that transition students through career pathways. The goal is to support students, specifically those considered at-risk, which may include, but is not limited to, students with disabilities, students of color, military service members, first generation, etc. through specific completion points, such as course completion, completion of subsequent semesters, and completion of programs or Wisconsin Technical College System Pathway Certificates.

Workforce Advancement Training (WAT)

Workforce Advancement Training Grants promote increased investment in the development of incumbent workers, improve Wisconsin businesses’ productivity and competitiveness, augment the state’s economic base, support career pathways and expand technical college training services to businesses and industry. Grants are awarded to upgrade the skills and productivity of employees of established businesses operating in Wisconsin, with the additional objective of supporting regional workforce and economic development efforts. Training under these grants focus on occupational skills, but can include a combination of occupational, academic and employability topics or courses.

Work-Based Learning Grants to Tribal Colleges

Work-Based Learning Grants to Tribal Colleges provide occupational training and work-based learning experience to youths and adults at Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College and the College of Menominee Nation.