Julie Tyznik

Education Director of Performance Measurement

Work Responsibilities

  • Perkins V
    • Perkins V Local Plan
    • Perkins V Accountability
      • Perkins Report Cards
      • Perkins Improvement Plans
      • Support for the creation of and collaborate in the review of Local Needs Assessments
    • Lead grant manager for the Perkins V Strengthening Programs grant
  • Grants Team
    • Work with State and Federally funded grants
      • AEFLA
      • Perkins V
      • State
    • Update guidelines, work with the grant submission and revision process, as well as processing triannual reports
    • WTCS Apply Portal
      • One of two Administrators for the WTCS Apply Portal
  • Financial Aid
    • One of two Financial Aid Liaisons at WTCS
    • Coordinate and support the WTCS Financial Aid Directors