Professional Development Opportunities
Adult education professional development opportunities are open to part-time and full-time Wisconsin Technical College instructors and staff and our Community-Based educational partners.
Because each opportunity may have different eligibility criteria, please refer to the specific training for more information.
The Adult Education team ensures that professional development opportunities are aligned with the WTCS Student Success Center goals, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title II, and Faculty Quality Assurance System (FQAS).
For questions about professional development options, contact Cristina Parente, Director, ELL Programming.
Spring Training Opportunities
Teaching the Skills That Matter – Correction Edition – March 19th-April 21st, 2025, 100% asynchronous
- Audience: instructors who work in Corrections
- Eligible for FQAS Continuing Learning
- Successful completers will receive a WTCS Digital Badge
- Registration is closed
- Contact Cristina Parente at to request a TSTM training.
- Upcoming – Fall 2025 – Teaching the Skills That Matter Train the Trainer series- Become a TSTM Ambassador. Stay tuned for more information
March 28th noon-1pm- Burlington English and the WTCS – IELCE Made Easy
What does IELCE mean? What’s the difference between civics and citizenship? This session will demistify IELCE, provide both national and Wisconsin-specific persepctives, and introduce BurlingtonEnglish tool to help contextualize your IELCE lessons.
Click here to register. Eblast Wisconsin Webinar (1) (002)
Presenters: Cristina Parente, WTCS, Robert Breitbard, Burlington English Director Of Educational Partnerships, JennaRose Sahl, Burlington English Customer Manager, Olia Tomaki, Burlington English , Customer Representative
April 11th, noon-1pm, Burlington English and the WTCS – IELCE and IET Made Easy Part II – Registration opens soon
Immigrant Professional College and Career Connections Statewide Trainings
- March 28th, 2-3:30pm, Credential Evaluation and How to Use It- World Education Services
Join World Education Services for a training on understanding the difference between foreign credential translation and evaluation, how technical colleges and other organizations can embed credential evaluation as a service, and ways to educate students about what it is and how it is used.
A meeting link will be sent out the week before the session but please mark your calendars. Registration closes on March 25th.
Register here. Registration closes on March 25th.
2. April 25th, 2-3:30pm, Learning From the Field.
Join World Education Services to learn from other states as they share stories of successes and challenges from across the country on different approaches to serving the immigrant population.
Register here.
3. May 30th 2-3:30 pm, Understanding the Immigrant Population, World Education Services
Registration opens in April.
Mark Your Calendars for the 2nd annual Immigrant and Refugee Support Summit: Empowerment Through Education and Workforce Development
When? June 16-17, Where? Madison College
Other Professional Development Resources
This LINCS Professional Development Guides share evidence-based professional development opportunities available through the Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS) for instructors, program administrators, professional developers, state staff, and more. LINCS is a national leadership initiative of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE), which seeks to expand evidence-based practice in adult education.