Career Prep & Dual Enrollment

The goal of the State’s Career Prep program is to promote and support high school to college opportunities for career and technical education students.  Career Prep initiatives should be enhancing a high school student’s technical and academic skill, and providing opportunities for transition to postsecondary education or into the workforce.  All high school students should have the chance to take college courses while in high school and gain both high school and college credit.  Dual enrollment is the way in which this can happen.

All 16 WTCS Colleges have a program to empower students to be engaged in college courses while in high school.  Many of colleges offer multiple dual enrollment or dual credit options.  In addition, all 16 colleges have a Career Prep Coordinator who can assist the high schools in their district with he the multiple options.

The Dual Credit Information Graphic is a great resource to display all the options and show the statewide growth.

Career Prep Links

2023 – 2024 Transcripted Credit
ExcelUploaded 06/27/2024
Career Prep Coordinators
PDFUploaded 09/15/2023
Career Prep Websites by District
Web LinkUploaded 04/21/2020
PathwayPlanIt Career Exploration
Web LinkUploaded 04/21/2020
Programs of Study Implementation Guide
Web LinkUploaded 04/21/2020