
Perkins Career and Technical Education Act (Perkins V) provides a renewed focus on the academic achievement of career and technical education students by closing equity gaps, strengthening the connections between secondary and postsecondary education and assisting students in their preparation for high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand occupations.

For more information on Perkins and to view the Wisconsin Five-Year Perkins Plan, visit the Perkins Resources page.

Perkins Grant Funds

The System Board is responsible for the administration and oversight of Perkins V funding for the postsecondary portion of the Title I Basic Grant. As permitted, the System Board has identified four priorities in the State Plan for the use of postsecondary funding. To maintain flexibility, the System Board allows each college to allocate a portion of the awarded funds to priorities of greatest need. The intention is to target funding to support activities the colleges have determined and noted in their Local Needs Assessments and Perkins Local Plans. The goal is to improve performance on Core Performance Indicators and close equity gaps among students.

Funds under this category are available for the following purposes:

Strengthening Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs

Provides funding for activities that improve the performance outcomes of WTCS programs of significant size and scope that directly link to student achievement and the maintenance or increase of Perkins V Core Performance Indicators.

Student Success

Provides funding for direct support services to career and technical education (CTE) students. Colleges work toward identifying and closing equity gaps, helping students be successful in completing a postsecondary course/program and/or obtaining employment upon graduation. The funded services assist these students participating in and/or completing the following: CTE program courses, completion of a WTCS Pathway Certificate, graduation with an applied associate degree, short-term, one- or two-year technical diploma, an apprenticeship program and/or obtaining employment in a related field.

Nontraditional Occupational (NTO) Training and Employment

Funds provide services to retain students in nontraditional career and technical education programs and to provide career awareness, career development, and pre-technical activities to support the enrollment of students in nontraditional postsecondary career and technical education programs.

High School to College Transitions

Provides the option to enhance the activities of the college’s Career Prep Grant. Further opportunities are highlighted for transition to postsecondary education while supporting a high school student’s technical and academic skills.

Targeting Attainment Gaps in Career & Technical Education

Provides funds for college-wide structural changes to advance student access and outcomes and close gaps between Perkins special populations.

Career Prep

Provides funds to enable colleges, in collaboration with secondary schools, to develop Programs of Study designed to support career and technical education students transitioning from a Wisconsin high school to a Wisconsin technical college. In addition, funds can be used to carry out activities that engage students in career exploration and postsecondary options. When designing activities aligned with the Career Prep outcomes, consider closing the achievement gap for all students to enhance participation and completion.