Education and Training, Hospitality and Tourism, Human Services

Director: Katie Roberts

Programs on this page includes the Education and Training, Hospitality and Tourism, and Human Services Career Clusters.

Education and Training

Programs in the Education and Training Career Cluster teach planning, managing, and providing education and training services, and related learning support services.

Career and Technical Education Instruction: students graduate to teach career and technical education programs at middle and high school levels. Upon completion of the program, students are able to apply for the DPI Experience-Based teaching license.

Early Childhood Education (ECE): prepares students to work as teacher-caregivers in early childhood settings. Combines hands-on fieldwork in area group or family care centers with related academic work at the college. The ECE field encompasses the care and education of children in the birth-to-eight-years age range. Graduates of the ECE program are ready to create and maintain safe and healthy play environments, guide behavior, plan and implement learning activities, and work cooperatively with staff and parents.

Foundations of Teacher Education (FoTE): prepares qualified individuals to work directly with preschool, elementary and/or secondary students under the supervision of a licensed teacher. Duties often include monitoring student activities, assisting with reading, tutoring, technology, one-on-one activities, and small group facilitation. Graduates of this program are: eligible to apply for the WI DPI Short-Term Substitute Teacher License without additional coursework; able to transfer the coursework/degree to a variety of Wisconsin 4-year college/university Education programs via articulation agreement.

Library and Information Services: program emphasis is placed on library and education ethics, advocating library services in the community, modeling exceptional customer service, and assessing a wide range of library, media, and educational technologies. This program may provide continuing education opportunities for current employees and potentially lead to certification for Wisconsin rural public library directors. Careers in libraries, education, or media professions.

Sign Language Interpreting in Education: program prepares individuals to be the communication link between deaf or hard of hearing students and the classroom teacher. They use signs and oral interpreting techniques and strategies for language and reading development. Interpreters are members of the deaf education team at the school and may provide tutoring and note-taking services. The program involves classroom, laboratory, and internship experiences.

Hospitality and Tourism

Programs in Hospitality and Tourism encompass the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and other foodservices, lodging, attractions, recreation facilities and events, and other travel related services.

Health and Nutrition: Nutrition and Dietetic Technician; Dietary Manager

Recreation, Amusements, and Attractions: Golf Course Management; Fitness, Sports, and Recreation Management

Restaurants and Food/Beverage Services: Culinary Arts, Culinary Management; Baking and Pastry Arts, Baking and Pastry Management

Travel and Lodging: Hospitality Management; Event Management; Special Event Management

Other: Responsible Beverage and Tobacco Services (RBTS) certification course

Human Services

Programs in Human Services prepare individuals for employment in career pathways that relate to families and human needs.

Personal Care Services: Barber and Cosmetology; Master Aesthetician, Aesthetician; Nail Technician; Funeral Services

Family and Community Services: Language Interpreter for Health Services; Disability Support Specialist

Moraine Park Technical College Cosmetology students in lab


Katie Roberts, Director for more information; 608.266.8887