Hazardous Materials Operations
This 20-hour course prepares the participant to perform the minimum hazardous material incident operations skills associated with fire fighting functions at an advanced nationally recognized level under general supervision.
The targeted audience is individuals who have completed, or are in the process of completing, the Fire Fighter I course. This course is also available to members of the Emergency Medical Services, Law Enforcement, and other industrial employees listed under 29CFR 1910.
This course is designed to provide the Fire Fighter I candidate with the information needed to meet the JPRs in Chapter 5, Core Competencies for Operations Level Responders, Chapter 6.2, Personal Protective Equipment, and Chapter 6.6., Mission-Specific: Product Control, of NFPA 1072.
A written certification exam is available to participants who successfully complete this course. A participant who completes this course and wishes to be certified as a Fire Fighter I must successfully pass the written Hazardous Materials Operations exam. Participants have two years from the completion of the course to take the exam. Participants who successfully pass the certification exams will receive a State of Wisconsin Certificate with an IFSAC (International Fire Service Accreditation Congress) seal.