Fire Certification Testing Process

Prospective certification candidates must successfully complete a Written and Practical Skills examination in order to become Wisconsin Certified. The WTCS Fire Service Coordinators schedule each Written and Practical Skills examination administered in their respective district. They should be contacted directly regarding Written and Practical Skills certification examinations. The Practical Skills Examination Schedule provides dates, level of certification, and location of examinations held throughout the state. This can also be obtained through the respective districts.

Written Examination

The exams consist of 100 questions with a 90-minute time limit. Multiple choice,  and true/false questions can be expected. Refer to the WTCS FSEO Policy and Procedures Manual for the written examination process. (The Hazardous Materials Operations exam is 50 questions with a 60-minute time limit)

Practical Skills Examination

Practical skills examinations are graded on a 100 percent pass/fail basis. The prospective candidate shall safely and successfully complete all tasks within the selected skills stations of the examination to receive a passing grade. Refer to the WTCS FSEO Policy and Procedures Manual for the practical skills process.