Hazardous Materials Technician
This 50-hour course prepares the participant to perform duties and functions as a Hazardous Materials Technician.
This course is designed to provide the candidate with the information needed to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) defined in NFPA 1072, Chapter 7, Standard for Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Emergency Response Personnel Professional Qualifications, 2017 edition. Course curriculum is based on the IFSTA Hazardous Materials Technician, second edition textbook and materials.
A written and practical skills certification exam is available to participants who successfully complete this course. A participant who completes this course and wishes to become certified has two years from the completion of the course to pass the exams. Participants who successfully pass the certification exams will receive a State of Wisconsin Certificate with IFSAC (International Fire Service Accreditation Congress) seal.