Dual Credit Dashboard

The Dual Credit Dashboard is currently available in Power BI.

View the Dual Credit Dashboard


To fully view the Power BI Dual Credit Dashboard, you need the appropriate data access, and can request this access from your college’s Data Access Coordinators(s).

The Dual Credit Dashboard was developed as a resource to provide insights to WTCS dual credit access and success. The dashboard was designed in collaboration with the WTCS Career Preparation Coordinators and delivers data to explore dual credit participation, WTCS credentials awarded to high school students, dual credit to postsecondary transitions, and student success outcomes among students who transitioned to a WTCS college with dual credit. College stakeholders are encouraged to routinely review the dashboard data to inform strategic planning, grant initiatives, points of internal and external collaboration, and continuous improvement of programming.

View the Power BI Dual Credit Dashboard Manual.

Power BI Dual Credit Dashboard