First, Last Name
Contact Information
Ann Westrich
Education Director-Career Prep/K-12
Office of Student Success
Anna Richter
Associate Vice President - Office of Finance and Management Services
Office of Finance and Management
Ben Konruff, PhD
State Director of AEFLA
Office of Student Success
Betsy Leonard
Education Director - Agriculture & Natural Resources
Office of Instructional Services
Brandon Trujillo
Policy Advisor
Policy and Government Relations Team
Carolann Nelson
Administrative Services Coordinator
Office of Finance and Management
Chris Martin
Education Director-Manufacturing & STEM
Office of Instructional Services
Christina Lorge
Associate Vice President - Student Success
Office of Student Success
Chrystal Seeley-Schreck
Associate Vice President - Instruction
Office of Instructional Services
Colleen Larsen
Education Director-Student Success
Office of Student Success
Colleen McCabe
Provost and Vice President
Executive Team
Cristina Parente
Education Director-English Language Learning
Office of Student Success
Dan Scanlon
Director-Facilities Development
Office of Finance and Management
Danielle Cook
Education Director - Health Science
Office of Instructional Services
Danika Woods
Education Director - Transportation, Distribution and Logistics; Arts, Audio-Visual Technology and Communications; Educational Services Manual (ESM)
Office of Instructional Services
Denise Perkins
Education Specialist
Fire Service Education Contacts
Heather Dunne
Operations Program Associate
Office of Student Success
Hilary Barker
State Director of CTE
Office of Student Success
Jamie Bernthal
Education Director - Architecture, Construction & Apprenticeship
Office of Instructional Services
Jeremy Nichols
Senior Communications Specialist
Strategic Advancement Team
Jim Zylstra
Executive Vice President
Executive Team
Joel Mathis
Education Specialist - Programs
Office of Instructional Services
JP Villavicencio
Education Director-Information Technology Programs and Academic Data Systems
Office of Instructional Services
Julie Drake
Executive Staff Assistant
Executive Team