Perkins Resources

To learn about Perkins V information for Wisconsin and view the State of Wisconsin Perkins V Plan, visit the Perkins Collaborative Resource Network state profile page.


Perkins V Websites:

WTCS Resources

3P1 NTO Concentration Explainer Video
VideoUploaded 12/02/2024
Perkins Local Improvement Plan
Word DocUploaded 04/03/2020
Perkins V Timeline & Visual FY25-FY29
PDFUploaded 06/16/2023

Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment

Perkins Local Plan

Instructions for Perkins Local Plan Template
Word DocUploaded 08/01/2023
Perkins Local Plan Presentation
PowerPointUploaded 01/24/2024
Perkins Local Plan Template
Word DocUploaded 01/24/2024